


Name of Holiday Actual Date of Holiday Date Holiday Observed Day of Week Holiday Observed


This page calculates the dates of United States federal holidays plus Easter for a specified year. Federal law (5 U.S.C. 6103) establishes ten federal holidays. Some of these holidays are positional, meaning that they occur on a specified day of the week in a month. The remaining holidays occur on specified dates. However, for this second category, if the date occurs on a Saturday, the holiday is observed on the preceding Friday. If the date occurs on a Sunday, the holiday is observed on the following Monday. Easter is not a federal holiday and is always observed on Sunday.

Note: This page allows entering a year as early as 1900. However, the current practice of observing holiday on the Friday or Monday did not come into effect until the 1970s. Also, certain holidays were not observed in the early part of the 1900s. Therefore, although the page will calculate the date and observed date of holidays for the early part of the twentieth century, the holidays were not necessarily observed on those dates in those years.


These Web sites provide additional information on holidays:


  1. Enter a year (betwee 1900 and 2399)
  2. Click on the Calculate button.


The table displays information for each federal holiday for the specified year. The first column of the table displays the official federal name of the holiday. The second column displays the actual date of the holiday. The third column displays the date on which the holiday is observed in the federal government. The fourth column displays the day of the week on which the holiday is observed.