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Navigation: Procedures > Defect Tracking

Defect Resolutions

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The defect was fixed through a change in the system architecture.

Code Change

The defect was fixed through a change to the source code.

Configuration Change

The defect was fixed through a change in a configuration, including a change to configuration files.

Database Change

The defect was fixed through a change in the database schema or a change in data in the database.


The defect report describes a problem dealt with in another defect report.  The notes should reference the other report.

Need More Information

The defect could not be handled because more information is needed.

Not a Defect

The issue described is not a defect and, therefore, was not remediated.

Software Limitation

The issue arises from a limitation in a software component.  Therefore, the defect was not remediated.

User Interface

The defect was corrected by making a change to the user interface.