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Example LDIF Initialization File

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Below is an example of an LDIF file for setting up the domain and two groups to holder user and server information.


# The top level domain

dn: dc=waysysweb,dc=us,dc=com

description: Waysys LLC

dc: waysysweb

o: WaysysLLC

objectClass: top

objectClass: dcObject

objectClass: organization


# Subtree for users

dn: ou=Users,dc=waysysweb,dc=us,dc=com

ou: Users

description: Computer Users

objectClass: organizationalUnit


# Subtree for system accounts

dn: ou=System,dc=waysysweb,dc=us,dc=com

ou: System

description: Special accounts used by software applications

objectClass: organizationalUnit


# Subtree for authorization roles

dn: ou=Groups,dc=waysysweb,dc=us,dc=com

ou: Groups

description: Branch for groups

objectClass: organizationalUnit