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Quality Assurance

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The Waysys Quality Assurance Practice offers a comprehensive approach to testing core business systems. The practice provides processes and tools  for QA planning, test case analysis, inspections, manual and automated testing,  and QA metrics.  The processes have been designed based on past projects and modern QA practices..




The objectives of the Practice are:


to help clients achieve accurate, reliable implementations

to provide thorough test coverage at acceptable cost and time frame

to provide project stakeholders with reliable indications of the quality of deliverables

to leverage client staff by complimenting skills and providing training

to help achieve system delivery on time and on budget.




The Practice offers these features:


Staff with extensive experience in software development and quality assurance

Processes and tools customized to for core systems projects

Templates for plans, test cases, and deliverables

High level of test automation

Frameworks for automated testing

Use of open source and the inexpensive tools

Use of the Framework for Integrated Testing (FIT)


Areas of Investigation


The goal has been not only to conduct quality assurance but to improve quality assurance.

Areas investigated include:


Framework for Integrated Tests (FIT).  FIT is an open-source test methodology that answers two questions:

oHow should test cases be written?

oHow can test cases be written which are cost effective and do not create a maintenance burden?


The FIT methodology underlies the Waysys approach to testing, whether automated or manual.


Open Source Test Tools.  A major tenet of the Waysys approach to quality assurance is that test automation is essential.  Waysys has been building expertise in the use of open source testing tools.  Open source tools ease the adoption test tools by allowing clients to experiment with the tools without making a major financial commitment.


Gosu Framework for Integrated Testing (GFIT).  Waysys has developed GFIT, an automated test tool that supports the FIT methodology.  GFIT allows the automated testing of Guidewire products using the Gosu capabilities, without testing through the user interface.  GFIT is used for setting up test data, testing business rules, and testing interfaces.  Testing with GFIT allows automated test cases to be developed faster and more reliably than automated tests done through the user interface.


Automating Test Management.  Waysys has developed expertise in using test management software which can simplify management of requirements, traceability between requirements and tests, and tracking quality assurance metrics.


Quality Assurance Planning.  Waysys has developed templates to speed the quality assurance planning process.  These templates include:

oSoftware quality assurance plan template based on the IEEE Standard 730-2002

oTest case effort estimation template


Identification of Trouble Areas.  Through its experience with many implementation projects and reviews of other projects, Waysys has identified critical areas where projects need to focus to avoid defects in production and cost overruns.


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