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Agile Inspection Procedure

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This procedure describes how to conduct an inspection of project documents.



Requirements, test cases, and other project documentation



W. Shaffer








Generic Rules for Documents

Rules for Agile Inspections


Input Documents


Rules for document


Entry Conditions


The author requests the inspection of the document.

A group of two or more suitable people to conduct the inspection is assembled in a meeting.

There is a trained inspection team leader at the meeting to manage the process.

The document being inspected has been checked for spelling errors and other typos.

A copy of the document is printed for each person in the inspection meeting.




1.Identify Checkers. Two or more (but not more than five) people should be identified to carry out the checking.


2.Select Rules. The group identifies about hree rules to use for checking the specification.


3.Choose Samples. The group selects samples of about one page in length. Choosing a page at random can add credibility, so long as it is representative of the content subject to quality control.


4.Instruct Checkers. The team leader briefly instructs the checkers about the rules, the checking rate, how to document any issues, and determine if issues are major.


5.Check Sample. The checkers take between 10 and 30 minutes to check their sample against the selected rules. Each checker should mark up his copy of the document as he checks it, underlying issues, and classifying them as "major" or not. At the end of the checking, each checker should count the number of possible major defects he has found.


6.Report Results. Each checker reports to the group the number of "possible majors" he found. The team leader leads a discussion to determine how many of the possible majors are actually likely to be majors. Each checker determines the number of majors and reports it.


7.Analyze Results. The team leader extrapolates from the findings the average number of major defects per page.

average defects per page = 3 X unique majors found by team/ unique pages reviewed


8.Decide Action. If the average defects per page is estimated at 10 or more, then the members of the group have to determine how they are going to get someone to write the specification properly.


9.Suggest Cause. Chose a major defect and discuss why it happened. Note the verdict in the inspection form.


Exit Condition


If the average defects per page is fewer than five, exit the review. The document can be considered complete. Otherwise, perform editing or rewrite.


Output Documents


Inspection Form (completed)




Inspection Form Template